Welcome to the BB Blog!
Sharing my thoughts, experiences, current BB happenings, and more. I like to think of this as a more personal way to connect and give you a look inside my life as a Micro Farmer-Florist!
March on the Farm: The Season Starts TO Awaken!
March is a month of in-betweens—one foot still in winter, but the other stepping eagerly into spring. March in Western Montana is a lesson in patience. The days are longer now, and while there’s still a bite in the morning air, the sun has a new warmth to it. But winter doesn’t let go easily here. Snow still lingers in the shady spots and we’re still likely to get more before Spring truly hits! Here in Montana, we call this time of year “fake spring”. The sun may be shining but the air still carries a crispness that reminds us spring is not in a hurry…
February Updates From The Farm
As the calendar flips to February, love is in the air, and so is the buzz of activity as we get closer to Spring! From Valentine’s Day preparations to planning for the growing season ahead, there’s plenty to share this month. Here’s what I’ve been up to lately…
A year for growth and exploration
New Beginnings at the Flower Farm: A Fresh Start for 2025
As the chill of January settles in, my life becomes a time for quiet preparation. The holidays are behind us, and now is the perfect time to plan for the exciting year ahead. For Beverly Blooms, January isn’t just the start of a new year — it’s a fresh opportunity to grow, to dream, and to cultivate both beautiful blooms and new goals!
Reflect, Rest, and Rejoice!
t’s hard to believe that December is already here. The end of another year, and a time to reflect. 2024 was definitely a crazy one for me. There was a lot of change and needing to adjust, I moved twice this year while also running this business. Learning the balance of what’s best for me and what’s best for the business was a big part of my year, and the importance of stability. Even with the challenges I may have faced this year, I now feel settled and grounded in my new home. As I sit on my couch with my cup of tea writing this, I wonder if all of that change was worth it because of where I landed after it all.
Let’s Catch Up!
Hi friends! It’s been a crazy end to the busy season, so much so that I haven’t been on top of my blog posting the past two months. So, let’s catch up! First, for those that have not heard yet, Beverly Blooms has moved to Montana! After 3 amazing seasons in Washington, I have decided to move back to Montana to continue my flower journey and be closer to family...
Blink and You’ll Miss it!
July was a whirlwind of a month! Every year I seem to forget just how busy July and August truly are. When they come, it’s easy to get caught up in the craziness and miss them. This season has been a particularly crazy one, with weddings every weekend, traveling to Montana for a friend’s wedding (which I was honored to do the flowers for), and going back and forth between Bellingham and Poulsbo to care for the field…
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
June was a nice gradual lead up to the peak of my busiest time of year. All of the flowers are now in the ground and it’s all about maintaining and supporting the flowers while they continue to grow tall and strong. It was a colder than usual Spring so the flowers were a bit slow to grow in June, but with the weather taking a warm turn they will soon be taking off and the field will be bursting with color! Right now, the sweet peas, yarrow, lady’s mantel, and feverfew are in full bloom with the snapdragons, phlox, cosmos, calendula, and delphinium close behind…
it’s Crunch Time!
It’s almost officially Summer! With just 20 days until Summer Solstice, it’s crunch time! May and June are always busy months for florists and farmers, with countless tasks to get done before summer hits. May was spent weeding, transplanting, developing rows, pinching plants, and lots of field maintenance...did I mention weeding? In June, I will be continuing to maintain and put the finishing touches on the field, and I will be transplanting the final starts including zinnias, cosmos, celosia, rudbeckia, and the remaining amaranth and statice…
April Showers Bring May flowers
Spring is in full swing! The sun has been out more and more each week, and the temperatures are rising, which means the flower starts and Chase are very happy! The past few weeks the starts have been rapidly growing in the greenhouse and are eager to get into the ground…
April Transitions
Spring is the time for gradual transitions. The days are getting longer and the earth is starting to come alive again. This time of year always brings excitement, and a bit of relief after the long Winters we have here in the Pacific Northwest. The flowering trees are starting to bud, some cherry blossoms are even in full bloom…
A sustainable spring!
This month is all about seed starting! As we approach the Spring equinox and the last frost, more and more seeds will be sown. Every week of this month I will be starting something new, beginning with strawflower, scabiosa, amaranth, rudbeckia, calendula, and statice this week…
February seeds are being sown
Hello, February! I’m both excited for this month and eager for it to pass so Spring can begin. February is kind of like the kick-off to the year for me, after spending all of January planning, February is when the action starts to happen…
New year, new blog!
Happy New Year and welcome to the BB Blog! This year I’ve set a goal for myself to start a blog and consistently share my work, experiences, learning moments, and more….